MoveS network: Free Movement and Social Security Coordination

MoveS is a network of independent experts in EU and EEA countries in the field of intra-EU mobility. The network provides the European Commission with legal expertise in the areas of free movement of workers and social security coordination through reports and analyses. Finland is currently represented in the network by Matias Kainu (Finnish Centre for Pensions) and Anna-Kaisa Tuovinen (THL).

MoveS also plays a role in increasing experts’ and practitioners’ knowledge on free movement of workers and social security coordination in Europe by:

  • organising seminars,
  • sharing information, and
  • building networks between stakeholders.

Each year, approximately 10 MoveS seminars are organised throughout Europe.

As a rule, the seminars are for experts in various fields who need information on workforce mobility and social security coordination for their work.

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European Platform tackling  undeclared work  (UDW Platform)

Since 2016, the European Commission fights grey economy through the European Platform tackling undeclared work (UDW Platform). The authorities in Member States struggle with tackling undeclared work in cross-border situations. The work of the EU forum focuses on  

  • promoting cooperation between cross-border authorities  
  • developing knowledge and evidence, and  
  • exchanging information and good practices.  

Combating undeclared work is the work of several different authorities. Central actors are the tax, industrial safety and social security authorities, the police, border guards and social partners. 

EU forum’s work in practice  

In practice, in its efforts to combat undeclared work, the EU forum has compiled studies, tools and teaching material to support Member States’ preventive work. It has also arranged seminars and visits between authorities in different Member States.     

National network of cooperation  

In 2016, the Ministry of Employment and the Economy in Finland established a national network of cooperation between authorities to promote the work of the UDW Platform. The main task of the network is to share information to various actors about the cooperation, methods of supervision, new phenomena and best practices relating to the fight against grey economy. The Finnish Centre for Pensions participates in the work of the network.  

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European Social Insurance Platform ESIP  

ESIP was created in 1996 and is a platform of social insurance organisations and an influencer. Its aims are to uphold the important status of social insurance in Europe, to strengthen social insurance systems that are based on solidarity and to maintain the good quality of European social security. 

ESIP gathers more than 50 national social security organisations that insure citizens in 17 EU Member States and Switzerland. 

It covers branches of social insurance including health, pensions, family and social inclusion, disability, rehabilitation and unemployment. 

ESIP’s mission is to   

  • offer national social insurance institutions an international discussion platform and an opportunity to share good practices,   
  • function as a strategic network for developing common positions to influence European decision-making processes, and     
  • be a consultation forum for European institutions and other multinational bodies active in the field of social security.     

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Finnish Centre for Pensions – Central body of and expert on statutory earnings-related pensions