Workers allowed to travel between Finland and Estonia again – Do you have an A1 certificate?

Workers can again travel between Estonia and Finland, starting on 14 May. Estonian workers can travel to Finland and Finnish workers to Estonia. If you work abroad, you may need an A1 certificate.
The A1 certificate shows which country’s social security you are covered by. In addition, the certificate shows to which country your social security contributions, such as your pension contributions, are to be paid. You can pay social security contributions to only one country.
If you are Estonian and come to work to Finland for a Finnish employer, you are to be insured in Finland, just as your Finnish co-workers.
If you are Estonian and work for an Estonian employer and you work temporarily in Finland, your employer should apply for an A1 certificate for you from Estonia. Present your A1 certificate at your workplace in Finland.
If you are Estonian and work regularly both in Finland and Estonia, you should apply for an A1 certificate from the country in which you reside permanently.
Sotsiaalkindlustusamet and the Finnish Centre for Pensions at your service
The A1 certificate is a standard form that each country issues on its own official language. Sotsiaalkindlustusamet issues A1 certificates for Estonian workers who work abroad. The Finnish Centre for Pensions issues the certificates for Finnish workers who work abroad. Both institutions will help you with the ins and outs of the A1 certificate!