Pensions paid out as usual despite corona epidemic
Plummeting stock exchanges affect the valuation of pension providers’ assets but not the payment of pensions.
Plummeting stock exchanges affect the valuation of pension providers’ assets but not the payment of pensions.
Retirees on an old-age pension who have suffered from disability during their working life struggle with making ends meet nearly twice as often as other retirees on an old-age pension.
According to the statistics of the Finnish Centre for Pensions, people in Finland retired on an old-age pension at age 61.5 years on average in 2019. This is about one month later than in 2018. A total of 44,500 persons retired on an old-age pension. This is 10 per cent less than in 2018.
Experts from Sweden, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands and Finland presented the balancing mechanisms of their pension systems in a recent seminar at the Finnish Centre for Pensions. The mechanisms include indexing and pension cuts.
Our updated booklets help you understand social insurance and earnings-related pensions in Finland and instructs you on how to apply for your earnings-related pension.
In its recent review, the OECD compliments Finland for its low old-age income inequalities. However, the OECD also expresses a concern for the low pension adequacy of the self-employed and suggests measures to improve their pensions. Pension levels in relation to earnings will be reduced in the future in most OECD countries, also in Finland.
Brexit has been confirmed. Great Britain’s departure from the EU will come into force on 1 February 2020. Britain’s departure from the EU is based on a mutual withdrawal agreement.
Finland’s low birth rates can partly be explained by women having children at an increasingly higher age. This is evident from a joint study of the Finnish Centre for Pensions, the University of Helsinki and the Max Planck Institute. If the demographers’ fertility rate scenario was realised, the long-term upward pressure on contributions would fall …
Each year, the Finnish Centre for Pensions grants a Pro Gradu Award of €2,000 to a distinguished Master’s thesis accepted at a Finnish university in 2019.
The Finnish Centre for Pensions and Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company have signed a long-term lease for office premises at Kalasatama Campus in Helsinki.
Finnish Centre for Pensions – Central body of and expert on statutory earnings-related pensions