Navigating Pension Reforms – Insights from Recent Research

The first ETK Pension Research Forum delves into pension reforms, their impact and the issues that need to be addressed in future reforms. Welcome to the webinar on Monday 17 March 2025 at 13:00–15:00 (CET). The webinar is in English.
The presentations at the webinar will provide in-depth insights into the impact of raising the pension claiming age on labour market outcomes in Sweden, the impact of the Finnish guarantee pension on labour supply, pension coverage of the self-employed and the increasing risk of poverty in old age in Germany, and involuntary retirement pathways in the Netherlands. Two commentators will discuss the research in a broader context.
Join the ETK Pension Research Forum to hear expert insights and engage in discussions on issues that affect both current and future pension arrangements.
Opening remarks
- Mikko Kautto (Finnish Centre for Pensions): The role of research in Finnish pension reforms
Part 1: Pension Policies and Labour Market Dynamics
- Øystein Hernaes (The Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research, Oslo): Labor Market Effects of an Increase in the Early Eligibility Age in a Flexible Pension System – Evidence from Sweden
- Ozan Yanar (University of Helsinki): Securing the Future: The Impact of the Finnish Guarantee Pension on Labor Supply
- Comment by Tuulia Hakola-Uusitalo (VATT Institute for Economic Research, Helsinki)
- Discussion
Part 2: Self-employment and retirement pathways: Risks and Realities
- Thorsten Heien (DRV Bund): Increasing numbers of self-employed, increasing risk of poverty in old age?
- Camilla Marabini (Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute): Involuntary Retirement Pathways: A Multilevel study on Health, Organizational Pressures, and Institutional Policies
- Comment by Traute Meyer (University of Southampton)
- Discussion
Closing remarks
Moderators: Kati Kuitto and Ilari Ilmakunnas (Finnish Centre for Pensions)
Register for the webinar in Webropol. After registration, you will receive a confirmation and a calendar invitation with the webinar’s Teams link to your e-mail.