Register Descriptions
The joint registers of the earnings-related pension field include data that is needed for the implementation of earnings-related pensions. Behind the bars below are short descriptions of the purpose of use of the registers and related services.
The earnings-and accrual register includes the earnings data required in the implementation of the earnings-related pension system. Data on earnings include, among other things, data on wages and social benefits for which pension accrues.
The wage data is imported from the national Incomes Register administered by the Tax Administration. Data on social benefits for which pension accrues, such as those paid out during periods of parental leave or the earnings-related unemployment allowance, are retrieved from the parties granting the benefits.
The Pension Provider Register includes information that is required by the field on national and international actors within the earnings-related pension field.
The data in the Pension Provider Register is used as a background register for the other registers.
The Pension Application Register includes data relating to earnings-related pension claims. The register can be used in, for example, customer service to check whether an individual has any pending pension claims.
The Pension Decision Register includes information on pension decisions issued by private and public sector pension providers and the information that the person is receiving a pension from abroad.
The Register on Insurance Periods includes an individual’s insurance periods based on their work history. Pension providers, Kela’s Centre for International Affairs, the Finnish Centre for Pensions and foreign liaison bodies need information on insurance periods when they process EU pension claims and calculate pensions.
The Case Management Register includes data on individuals’ cases and measures relating to their management. The system functions as a background system for several services. The Finnish Centre for Pensions registers, among other things, information on certificates for posted workers received from abroad. The certificates state which country’s social security legislation is to be applied to the worker.
The Finnish Centre for Pensions offers training and guidance for pension providers in matters relating to the registration of information and offers support in the use of the joint registers of earnings-related pension providers.
When necessary, the Finnish Centre for Pensions also registers data on behalf of earnings-related pension providers.
The data of the above-mentioned registers are used in the implementation of the earnings-related pension field. In addition, the Finnish Centre for Pensions transmits data and documents that affect pension matters to the pension providers and other parties that have the right to get the information for the handling of benefits.
The Personal Data Register of the earnings-related pension field includes the personal data needed by the earnings-related pension field. The data is used for identification in the other registers of the earnings-related pension field and as a background system for the other registers.
The Finnish Centre for Pensions administers the register data, ensures that the register data is correct and supervises the use of personal data in the earnings-related pension field.
The Finnish Centre for Pensions exchanges personal data (including policy numbers and names) electronically with foreign institutions. The exchange of information expedites the processing of pension claims, reduces excess payments of pensions and provides up-to-date information on the status of pensioners who reside abroad.
The Employer Register includes data on employers who have taken out earnings-related pension insurance and arranged pension insurance for their workers. The earnings-related pension providers enter the data into the register.
The Finnish Centre for Pensions uses the data in the Employer Register when it supervises employers’ obligation to insure, investigates employment data and insurance validity, and guides. The register is also used as a background system for the other systems of the earnings-related pension system.
Employer Register data is released to, among others, Tax Administration (the national Incomes Register and service) so that the validity of the employer’s earnings-related pension insurance can be checked already when registering the wage data.
The Finnish Centre for Pensions provides data from the joint registers of the earnings-related pension field via various services to authorities. A large part of the data is transferred through the record service.
Data received through the pension record service are also used in tasks relating to the implementation of the earnings-related pensions, including the pension decision service, guidance of the insured, various clarifications and the compiling of the annual pension record.
The earnings-related pension record is primarily intended for the insured themselves as a document of their working history. The record includes data on all earnings for which pension has accrued so far.
For more information on the earnings-related pension record, go to Työelä