13,500 rehabilitees within the earnings-related pension system
In 2023, about 13,500 persons (or 0.5% of the workforce) received rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system. The number of rehabilitees dropped by 13 per cent compared to 2022. In 2023, roughly 17,700 persons retired on an earnings-related disability pension.
The total costs of rehabilitation in 2023 was 153 million euros, down by 9 per cent from 2022. Income compensation was paid to rehabilitees to the amount of 135 million euros. The income compensation includes the rehabilitation allowance, rehabilitation increment and rehabilitation assistance. The total costs for rehabilitation measures were almost 19 million euros.

A typical rehabilitee was 47 years old and worked in the private sector. The rehabilitee sought rehabilitation on their own initiative because of a reduced ability to work caused by a musculoskeletal disease. Most often, the rehabilitation took the form of a work try-out. Rehabilitees received an average monthly income compensation of 3,168 euros.
In 2023, a total of 5,700 persons completed their rehabilitation. Of the rehabilitees, 67 per cent returned to work and 8 per cent continued studying or became unemployed. Only 6 per cent retired on a full disability pension.
(Updated on 31 May 2024)
Statistical tables and figures:
- Rehabilitation within the earnings-related Pension Sceme 2023, (pdf)
- Tables and graphs in Key Figures
- Tables in statistical database of the Finnish Centre for Pensions
What is rehabilitation under the earnings-related pension scheme?
The rehabilitation under the Finnish earnings-related pension acts is vocational and individual and intended for persons of working age. The earnings-related pension insurers arrange and finance the rehabilitation. The purpose of the rehabilitation is to prevent that the individual retires early on a disability pension and to ensure that workers stay in the workforce for as long as possible, despite illnesses, handicaps or injuries.
Measures of the rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system include guidance, investigations, work try-outs, work training, education, subsidies for starting or carrying on a business and various tools to make working easier.
Income compensation is paid during the rehabilitation period.
Who is the rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system intended for?
The rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system is intended for wage earners and self-employed persons who face the threat of retirement on a disability pension unless they take part in rehabilitation. An applicant for rehabilitation is required to be below their old-age retirement age, have a stabilised working life and a certain income level. In addition, the disease of the applicant must be such that it poses a threat of disability in the near future.
Producer: Finnish Centre for Pensions
Website: Rehabilitation
Subject area: Social security, Rehabilitation under the earnings-related pension system
Part of the Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): No
The statistics includes data on vocation rehabilitation under the earnings-related pension acts.
Data content
The statistics includes data on rehabilitation applications and decisions, the right to appeal, rehabilitees, means and expenses of rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system and rehabilitation programs that have ended.
The data has been categorised by age, gender, rehabilitation background, medical diagnosis and sector.
Methods of data collection and source
The data for the rehabilitation statistics stems directly from the registers of the earnings-related pension providers and the Finnish Centre for Pensions. Information collected from the earnings-related pension providers include rehabilitation background, type of rehabilitation service, rehabilitation service expenses and the reason the rehabilitation program has ended.
Update frequency
The data is updated once a year.
Time of completion or release
For a more detailed schedule, consult the Release calendar, consult the Release Calendar.
Time series
The first rehabilitation data are from the year 1992.
Key words
Rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system, type of rehabilitation service, rehabilitation expenses, rehabilitation application, rehabilitation decision
Contact information
Rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system
Rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system is individual and vocational an intended for persons of working age. The aim of the rehabilitation is to help the employee or self-employed person to continue working despite an illness, handicap or injury. In other words, the aim is to prevent disability and postpone retirement.
Vocational rehabilitation takes precedence over the disability pension. Vocational rehabilitation is a statutory benefit of the earnings-related pension scheme. The rehabilitation applicant has the right to appeal all decisions concerning rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system. The pension providers (earnings-related pension insurance companies, company pension funds and industry-wide pension funds) are in charge of the rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system.
Requirements for getting rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system
An employee or self-employed person under the age of 63 has the right to rehabilitation if they:
- have an appropriately diagnosed illness, handicap or injury that forms a threat of disability and a risk of retirement on a disability pension within the next few years,
- meet the required earnings limit,
- meet the earnings/childcare requirement for the previous 36 months,
- are deemed to benefit from the rehabilitation, and
- are not entitled to rehabilitation based on the motor or workers’ compensation insurance.
Means of vocational rehabilitation
Rehabilitation guidance
The rehabilitation experts of your earnings-related pension provider offer general advice and detailed guidance and instructions on vocational rehabilitation.
Rehabilitation always requires an appropriate rehabilitation plan. Reviews are used to draw up a rehabilitation plan. When needed, the person who has been granted rehabilitation can turn to the service provider for help with drawing up the rehabilitation plan. Earnings-related pension providers do not finance reports that estimate the need for rehabilitation.
Workplace rehabilitation
Workplace rehabilitation is the primary means of rehabilitation under the earnings-related pension system. Workplace rehabilitation can take the form of a work try-out either for former or new work tasks. The work try-out lasts for a few months. If necessary, the work try-out can continue as work counselling. Work counselling is a longer period of training for new work tasks than the work try-out period.
Education can be additional training in the form of a short-term course or longer-term retraining for new work tasks. Supporting basic education and basic training is not part of rehabilitation under the earnings-related pension system.
Business subsidy
The business subsidy is an interest-free or low-interest loan or allowance to set up or continue a business. As a rule, the business subsidy is granted as an allowance for the procurement of tools relating to the exercise of a profession. The precondition for getting the business subsidy is that the rehabilitee earns their income from the business.
Rehabilitation benefits
Rehabilitation allowance
The rehabilitation allowance is paid to a person who, before starting the rehabilitation, got a wage, a sickness allowance or an unemployment allowance. The allowance amounts to the amount of the disability pension under the acts on the earnings-related pension, increased by 33 per cent. The rehabilitation allowance is paid only during an active rehabilitation period.
Partial rehabilitation allowance
A partial rehabilitation allowance is paid to a rehabilitee who, while getting vocational rehabilitation, continues working partially. A partial rehabilitation allowance amounts to half of the full allowance.
Rehabilitation assistance
A discretionary rehabilitation assistance can be paid for the period while the rehabilitation plan is drawn, while waiting for rehabilitation or between rehabilitation periods. The assistance is paid for a maximum of three months.
For the self-employed (insured under the Self-employed Persons’ Pensions Act or the Farmers’ Pensions Act) and for municipal workers (insured under the Local Government Pensions Act), the rehabilitation assistance can be granted to support employment for a period after rehabilitation if the rehabilitee has no other income.
The rehabilitation assistance is granted for a fixed period and of the same amount as the disability pension (without the 33 per cent increment). The rehabilitation assistance can also be paid as a partial rehabilitation assistance.
Cash rehabilitation benefit
The cash rehabilitation benefit is a fixed-term disability pension that can be granted when the rehabilitee’s ability to work is expected to improve as a result of treatment or rehabilitation. The precondition is that the disability is estimated to last for at least one year and that the period on a sickness allowance is not considered long enough to restore the ability to work.
A precondition for granting the cash rehabilitation benefit is that the applicant has drawn up a treatment or rehabilitation plan together with health care or occupation health care.
Rehabilitation increment
The rehabilitation increment is an increment of the cash rehabilitation benefit or the disability pension granted for the active rehabilitation period. The increment is 33 per cent of the paid pension, and it is paid for full months of rehabilitation.
Other expenses
The rehabilitee is paid immediate expenses (such as travel and study expenses) relating to the rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension scheme.
Other concepts
Person’s age at the end of the statistical year.
1. Contact
1.1 Contact organisation
The Finnish Centre for Pensions
1.2 Contact organisation unit
Planning Department
1.3 Contact name
1.4 Contact person function
Statistical expert
1.5 Contact mail address
The Finnish Centre for Pensions
1.6 Contact email address
Contact form
1.7 Contact phone number
+358 29 411 20
1.8 Contact fax number
Fax: +358 9 148 1172
2. Metadata update
2.1. Metadata last certified
31 May 2024
2.2. Metadata last posted
31 May 2024
2.3. Metadata last update
31 May 2024
3. Statistical presentation
3.1. Data description
The statistics contain information on vocational rehabilitation under the Finnish earnings-related pension legislation. The statistics cover the whole rehabilitation process from the application for rehabilitation to its completion and the follow-up after rehabilitation.
The statistics include information on rehabilitation applications, rehabilitation decisions, rehabilitees, rehabilitation activities and costs, completed rehabilitation programmes and rehabilitation costs.
3.2. Classification system
The information is broken down by the background of the rehabilitee, that is, whether they were working or retired when they started rehabilitation. Since 2016, the rehabilitation population has also been broken down into those who applied for rehabilitation themselves and those who were granted rehabilitation rights as part of a disability pension decision. Other classifications used in the statistics are age, sex and diagnosis.
3.3. Sector coverage
The statistics cover the rehabilitation of the entire earnings-related pension system. The statistics provide an overview of vocational rehabilitation paid for by private pension providers, company pension funds and industry-wide pension funds, as well as vocational rehabilitation paid for by the public sector. Rehabilitation organised by Kela is not included in the statistics.
3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions
The concepts and definitions have been presented on the statistics page.
3.5. Statistical unit
Application for rehabilitation.
Rehabilitation decision.
3.6. Statistical population
Rehabilitation applications submitted to earnings-related pension institutions, rehabilitation decisions issued by the institutions and persons who have received vocational rehabilitation paid for by the earnings-related pension system.
3.7. Reference area
3.8. Time coverage
Basic data are available from 1992.
4. Unit of measure
Number of rehabilitation applications.
Number of rehabilitation decisions.
Number of persons.
Rehabilitation costs, €.
Income support, €/month.
5. Reference period
Calendar year and 1 January to 31 June
6. Institutional mandate
6.1. Legal acts and other agreements
The Finnish Centre for Pensions is obliged to compile statistics. The Act on the Finnish Centre for Pensions states that the Finnish Centre for Pensions is responsible for statistical activities within its field of competence.
The statistics on rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system are based on the monitoring obligation related to the 1991 reform of rehabilitation legislation (Amendment 612/1991 to the Employees’ Pensions Act). The right to earnings-related pension rehabilitation is regulated by the earnings-related pension acts listed in Article 3 of the Employees Pensions Act (395/2006).
6.2. Data sharing
Data from the statistics are submitted annually to the Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare for the statistics of the EU System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS) and to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland for the EU Commission’s labour market policy database.
7. Confidentiality
7.1. Confidentiality – policy
The Finnish Centre for Pensions is committed to data protection as a fundamental principle of statistics, which ensures the confidentiality of data.
7.2. Confidentiality – data treatment
Data is protected by the necessary physical and technical solutions at the various stages of processing. Personnel have access only to the data necessary for their work. Third parties do not have access to the premises where the data is processed. Employees are required to sign a confidentiality agreement when they are hired.
8. Release Policy
The statistics of the Finnish Centre for Pensions are released on weekdays at 9.00 a.m. on the website of the Finnish Centre for Pensions. Any exceptions to the release time are announced separately.
The data in the statistical database are released as open data. The database’s open interface can be freely used under the CC BY 4.0 license, with the Finnich Centre for Pensions being cited as the source of the statistical data.
8.1. Release Calendar
The release dates of the statistics are published in the release calendar. The release calendar for the following year is published towards the end of the year.
8.2. Release calendar access
8.3. User access
The statistics are available to everyone when they are published on the website of the Finnish Centre for Pensions at a previously announced date.
The statistics are distributed annually to the earnings-related pension institutions in the form of institution-specific tables and visualisations.
Embargo policy: Media that are bound by the journalist’s guidelines may request material from the Finnish Centre for Pensions’ Communications Department.
9. Frequency of dissemination
The statistics are published twice a year.
Half-yearly data for the current year (1 January–30 June) are published in the autumn. Annual data are published in May–June of the year following the statistical reference year.
10. Accessibility and clarity
10.1. News release
The publications of the statistics can be found in the shared open repository Julkari: Rehabilitation (Julkari)
10.2. Publications
Key Figures: Vocational rehabilitees
10.3. Online database
Earnings-related pension rehabilitation (PxWeb)
10.4. Microdata access
The Finnish Centre for Pensions’ registry data can be requested for scientific research use.
Pension register data and Earnings and Accrual Register data on employment covered by earnings-related pension insurance can be used for research purposes in accordance with the Publicity Act, Data Protection Act, and the Act on the Secondary Use of Health and Social Data (hereinafter Act on Secondary Use), even though individual-level data is confidential. The research must be individualized and scientific and based on a research plan. Register data are not disclosed for commercial purposes.
Apply for research access to register data of the Finnish Centre for Pensions
10.5. Other
A collection of graphs (pdf) of the data in the statistics is published on the statistics website.
11. Quality Management
11.1. Quality assurance
The Finnish Centre for Pensions is committed to the quality principles of Official Statistics of Finland. Our statistical production follows the quality criteria of Official Statistics of Finland, which are compatible with the European Statistics Code of Practice.
The Finnish Centre for Pensions applies quality criteria also to the statistics it publishes that are not included in the Official Statistics of Finland.
11.2. Quality assessment
The quality of statistics is assessed at several stages in the statistical process.
12. Relevance
12.1. User needs
The statistics are intended for rehabilitation experts, researchers, the media and others who need information on the subject. The statistics are produced in cooperation with rehabilitation experts from the earnings-related pension institutions. The development of the statistics considers the needs of the users, mainly the earnings-related pension institutions.
12.2. User satisfaction
The information needs and development proposals of rehabilitation experts in earnings-related pension institutions are identified at an annual event organised by the Finnish Centre for Pensions.
13. Accuracy and reliability
13.1. Overall accuracy
The data are based on administrative registers and data collected separately by earnings-related pension institutions. The source data are at individual level.
13.2. Sampling error
13.3. Non-sampling error
The data from the pension register are extracted in January and July, so some of the backdated pension decisions may be missing from the statistical data.
The earnings-related pension institutions provide the data extracted from their own systems at the end of January and August, so that data recorded retrospectively after the time of extraction are missing from the data set.
14. Timeliness and punctuality
14.1. Timeliness
Half-yearly data on rehabilitation within the earnings-related pension system for the current year (1 January–30 June) will be published in the autumn. Annual data are published in May–June of the year following the statistical reference year.
15. Coherence and comparability
15.1. Comparability – geographical
15.2. Comparability – over time
The statistics have been produced on the same basis since 1992 and the data are broadly comparable from that date.
From statistical year 2022 onwards, the sampling criterion for the statistics on rehabilitation decisions has been changed. Data on rehabilitation decisions produced before 2022 are therefore not fully comparable with those produced afterwards. The change did not affect the rejection rate.
15.3. Coherence – cross domain
Differences in the definition of concepts can make comparisons with other statistical data on the same subject difficult.
15.3.1. Coherence – sub annual and annual statistics
The data for the half-yearly and annual statistics are compiled according to the same rules. The Farmers’ Social Insurance Institution (MELA) and the Seafarers’ Pension Fund (MEK) are not involved in the collection of data for the half-yearly statistics.
16. Cost and burden
The Finnish Centre for Pensions stands for the costs of the statistics. The register data of the Finnish Centre for Pensions are supplemented by data collected directly from the earnings-related pension institutions. Only data not available in the Finnish Centre for Pensions’ register are collected from the pension institutions. The institutions send the data to the Finnish Centre for Pensions twice a year according to the guidelines established by the Finnish Centre for Pensions.
17. Data Revision
18. Statistical processing
18.1. Source data
The statistics are based on the registers of the Finnish Centre for Pensions and on individual-level data collected separately from the earnings-related pension institutions.
The data on rehabilitation decisions needed to compile the statistics are extracted from the pension registers. The data required include preliminary rehabilitation decisions, rejected and approved applications, the way the rehabilitation was initiated, the date of the rehabilitation decision, the rehabilitee’s pension history, disability diagnoses and rehabilitation living costs.
Data on the post-rehabilitation period are extracted from the Incomes Register. This contains data on employment after rehabilitation. The register contains information on the careers on which the earnings-related pension is based: periods of employment and self-employment as well as unpaid periods such as unemployment, education and parenthood.
The information collected directly from the earnings-related pension institutions includes the way rehabilitation was started, the background of the rehabilitee, the rehabilitation measures, the costs of the rehabilitation measures, the compulsory accident insurance contributions for the rehabilitee and the situation after rehabilitation, that is, where the rehabilitation has led. The information is provided in accordance with the guidelines established by the Finnish Centre for Pensions.
The Finnish Centre for Pensions combines the data collected from the earnings-related pension institutions and the register data needed to compile the statistics to form the basis of the rehabilitation statistics.
18.2. Frequency of data collection
Twice a year.
18.3. Data collection
The Finnish Centre for Pensions is responsible for data collection. The earnings-related pension institutions send individual-level data on rehabilitation measures and completed rehabilitation to the Finnish Centre for Pensions via a secure e-mail connection. The information is provided according to the guidelines established by the Finnish Centre for Pensions.
18.4. Data validation
Adjustments are made at different stages of statistical production in accordance with the production processes of the Finnish Centre for Pensions. In addition, the results are compared with changes in legislation and with data from previous statistical years.
Earnings-related pension institutions are involved in data checks during the data compilation phase.
18.5. Data compilation
Combination of person-level data extracted from the registers of the Finnish Centre for Pensions and person-level data collected separately by the earnings-related pension institutions. Further processing produces aggregated data and statistical tables.