Labour years ratio
2024 labour years ratio

The 2024 labour years ratio is 0.60. Compared to the previous year, the labour years ratio increased by 0.5 per cent. Since 2005, the labour years ratio has increased by 4.5 percentage. For men, the labour years ratio is 0.63 and for women 0.57.
The labour years ratio is the ratio between the five-year average expected duration of active working life of an 18-year-old and the five-year average life expectancy of an 18-year-old. The labour years ratio is used to evaluate the development of working lives. The follow-up was decided in connection with the 2017 pension reform and is the responsibility of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health.
The labour years ratio is calculated from the averages of the expected duration of active working life and the life expectancy of the previous five years. The 2024 labour years ratio has been calculated based on the figures for 2019–2023. The indicator has been calculated for the first time for 2005.
(Updated on 25 November 2024)
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Producer: Finnish Centre for Pensions
Website: Labour years ratio
Subject area: Social protection
Part of the Official Statistics of Finland (OSF): No
The labour years ratio is the ratio between the five-year average expected duration of active working life of an 18-year-old and the five-year average life expectancy of an 18-year-old.
Data content
The statistics include five-year averages by gender of the life expectancy and expected duration of active working life used in the calculation of the labour years ratio.
Methods of data collection and source
The calculation of the labour years ratio is based on Statistics Finland’s employment and mortality statistics.
Update frequency
Once a year.
Time of completion or release
The data in the statistics are released at the end of the statistical year. The release date is listed in the Release Calendar.
Time series
The first data in the statistics relate to 2005.
Key words
career, indicators, key figures, life expectancy, working life expectancy
Contact information
Labour years ratio
The ratio between the expected duration of active working life and life expectancy of an 18 year-old. The ratio is based on data from the previous five years.
Annual ratio
The ratio between the expected duration of active working life and life expectancy of an 18-year-old. The ratio is based on data from the previous year. The figure describes the direction of the change in the labour years ratio.
Life expectancy of an 18-year-old
The number of years that an average 18-year-old would live if mortality remained the same.
Expected duration of active working life of an 18-year-old
The number of years an 18-year-old can be expected to take part in the workforce during the remaining years of life if labour force participation rates remained the same.
1. Contact
1.1 Organisation
Finnish Centre for Pensions
1.2 Organization unit
Planning Department
1.3 Name of contact person
1.4 Contact task
Statistical expert
1.5 Contact email address
Finnish Centre for Pensions, FI-00065 ELÄKETURVAKESKUS, Finland
1.6 Contact email
Statistical service contact form
1.7 Contact phone number
+358 29 411 20
1.8 Connection fax number
Fax: +358 9 148 1172
2. Metadata update
2.1 Metadata last verified
25 November 2024
2.2 Metadata last added
25 November 2024
2.3 Latest update of metadata
25 November 2024
3. Statistical presentation
3.1 Data description
The labour years ratio is the ratio between the five-year average expected duration of active working life of an 18-year-old and the five-year average life expectancy of an 18-year-old. In addition, the statistics show the variables used in the calculation of the labour years ratio.
The labour years ratio is used to assess the development of working lives and the economic and social sustainability of the earnings-related pension system.
3.2 Classification system
3.3 Sector coverage
The calculation of the labour years ratio is based on Statistics Finland’s employment and mortality statistics.
The Labour force survey statistics describe labour market participation by population aged 15 to 89. The data is collected with a sample survey. The data content of the statistics is based on the EU Regulation.
Statistics on deaths are based on data in the Population Information System and covers persons permanently living in Finland the time of their death.
Labour force survey (Statistics Finland)
Deaths (Statistics Finland)
3.4 Statistical concepts and definitions
The terms and definitions used in the statistics are presented on the statistics’ website.
3.5 Statistical unit
3.6 Statistical population
People living in Finland.
3.7 Reference area
3.8 Time coverage
The statistics has been released as of the year 2024. The time series has been produced in retrospect as of the statistical year 2005.
4. Unit of measure
Labour years ratio: ratio
Life expectancy and expected duration of active working life of an 18-year-old: year
5. Reference period
Calendar year
6. Institutional mandate
6.1 Legal acts and other agreements
The Act on the Finnish Centre for Pensions states that the responsibilities of the institution include the compiling of statistics in its field of operation.
Act on the Finnish Centre for Pensions (Finlex, in Finnish)
The evaluation of the development of working lives is regulated in Section 218 a of the Employees Pensions Act.
Employees Pensions Act, Section 218 a (Finlex)
7. Confidentiality
7.1 Confidentiality – policy
The Finnish Centre for Pensions is committed to data protection as a fundamental principle of statistics, which ensures the confidentiality of data.
7.2 Confidentiality – data treatment
Data is protected by the necessary physical and technical solutions at the various stages of processing. Personnel have access only to the data necessary for their work. Third parties do not have access to the premises where the data is processed. Employees are required to sign a confidentiality agreement when they are hired.
8. Release policy
The statistics of the Finnish Centre for Pensions are released on weekdays at 9.00 a.m. on the website of the Finnish Centre for Pensions. Any exceptions to the release time are announced separately.
The data in the statistical database are released as open data. The database’s open interface can be freely used under the CC BY 4.0 licence, with the Finnish Centre for Pensions being cited as the source of the statistical data.
8.1 Release calendar
The release dates of the statistics are published in the release calendar. The release calendar for the following year is published towards the end of the year.
8.2 Release calendar access
8.3 User access
The statistics are available to everyone when they are published on the website of the Finnish Centre for Pensions at a previously announced date.
Embargo Policy: Media that are bound by the journalist’s guidelines may request material from Communications at the Finnish Centre for Pensions.
Contact information for Communications, Finnish Centre for Pensions
9. Frequency of dissemination
The statistics are published once a year, towards the end of the statistical year.
10. Accessibility and clarity
10.1 Press releases
Press releases on this topic can be found online at the website of the statistics.
10.2 Publications (broader/other)
10.3 Online database
11. Quality management
11.1 Quality assurance
The Finnish Centre for Pensions is committed to the quality principles of Official Statistics of Finland. Our statistical production follows the quality criteria of Official Statistics of Finland, which are compatible with the European Statistics Code of Practice.
11.2 Quality assessment
The quality of the statistics is assessed at several stages in the statistical process.
12. Relevance
12.1 User needs
Feedback from users is gathered through customer surveys. Feedback is also collected through direct contact. The feedback received is monitored and taken into account in the development of the statistics.
13. Accuracy and reliability
13.1 Overall accuracy
The calculation of the labour years ratio is based on Statistics Finland’s Labour force survey statistics and Deaths statistics.
The Labour Force Survey is a sample survey that provides a recent and comprehensive picture of the labour force and changes in the labour market. The data content of the statistics is based on the EU Regulation.
Labour force survey: documentation of statistics (Statistics Finland)
The statistical data of the Deaths statistics are total data based on datat from the Population Information System.
Deaths Statistics: documentation of statistics (Statistics Finland)
14. Timeliness and punctuality
14.1 Timeliness
The statistics are published once a year, towards the end of the statistical year. The data in the statistics is final.
14.2. Punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
15.1 Comparability – geographical
15.2 Comparability – over time
The statistics has been released as of the year 2024. The time series has been produced in retrospect as of the statistical year 2005.
The data in the statistics are comparable throughout the time series.
15.3 Coherence – cross domain
The life expectancy published by Statistics Finland is used in the calculation of the Labour years ratio. Therefore, life expectancy matches the figures published by Statistics Finland.
Death and survival rates by age and gender (Statistics Centre: StatFin database)
16. Costs and burden
The production of the statistics is financed annually by the Finnish Centre for Pensions.
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
18.1 Source data
The calculation of the labour years ratio is based on Statistics Finland’s employment and mortality statistics.
Labour force survey (Statistics Finland)
Deaths (Statistics Finland)
18.2 Frequency of data collection
Once a year.
18.3 Data collection
Statistics Finland statistics.
18.4 Data validation
Adjustments are made at different stages of statistical production in accordance with the production processes of the Finnish Centre for Pensions. In addition, the results are compared with changes in legislation and with data from previous statistical years.
18.5 Data compilation
The figures for life expectancy are those published by Statistics Finland.
The expected duration of active working life is calculated using the labour force participation rates of Statistics Finland’s Labour Force Survey for persons of different ages, assuming that employment would remain the same.