
The Finnish Centre for Pensions produces versatile statistics that describe the Finnish pension system. The statistics include information on pension recipients, persons insured under the earnings-related pension acts, pension expenditure, effective retirement ages, rehabilitation under the earnings-related pension scheme and the financing of earnings-related pensions.

We produce Official Statistics of Finland in the area of Social Protection.

Partial old-age pension still going strong in Finland

Nearly 21,000 new partial old-age pensions were paid out in Finland in 2023. The amount was one and a half times higher than the previously established amount, but 14,000 less than in 2022.

New Pension Benefits and the Pension Reform

Average pension in Finland nearly €2,000

The Finnish average pension developed positively in 2023. At the same time, total pension expenditure increased – pensions were paid out totalling almost 38 billion euros. About 1.6 million Finns received a pension in 2023.

Statistics on Pensioners in Finland

Almost 18,000 new disability pensioners

In 2023, a total of 17,700 persons retired from the earnings-related pension system on a disability pension. This was almost as many as in 2022. However, the number of disabled persons in the older population is increasing.

Earnings-related Pension Recipients in Finland

Effective retirement age above target

Finns continue to extend their working lives. Last year, the average effective retirement age was 62.8 years. At the same time, the number of new pensioners fell significantly.

Effective Retirement Age

Number of issued A1 certificates grew largely

The number of A1 certificates issued by the Finnish Centre for Pensions more than doubled in 2023 compared to in 2022. The growth was mainly due to specifications made to the instructions.

Statistics on Insurance for Work Abroad and Posted Workers

Highest effective retirement age in Sweden - Finland among the top three

Sweden, Finland and Denmark stand out with the highest effective retirement ages in a comparison of the Nordic countries and Estonia. Although Finns have postponed retirement markedly in the 2010s, they still exit the labour market at the youngest age.

Effective retirement age in the Nordic countries and Estonia

Check out the graph application of the monthly statistics

In our graph application you can examine data on the number of new retirees on an earnings-related pension and their average pension in graphic format. The data is categorized by pension benefit and per month.

Graph application for monthly statistics

Statistical Database

Our statistical database offers time series of the statistics we produce here at the Finnish Centre for Pensions.

Statistical Database

Release calendar

The statistics are released at 9 a.m. on the website.

Release calendar

Earnings-related Pension System in Graphs and Figures

The slideshow includes key information of the Finnish earnings-related pension system. The Power Point slideshow may be downloaded free of charge.

Graphs and Figures

Statistical publications

The Statistics series of the Finnish Centre for Pensions includes statistics of various pension areas. As a rule, the statistics are based on the registers of the earnings-related pension system.


Finnish Centre for Pensions – Central body of and expert on statutory earnings-related pensions