The Finnish Centre for Pensions produces versatile statistics that describe the Finnish pension system. The statistics include information on pension recipients, persons insured under the earnings-related pension acts, pension expenditure, effective retirement ages, rehabilitation under the earnings-related pension scheme and the financing of earnings-related pensions.
We produce Official Statistics of Finland in the area of Social Protection.
Effective retirement age continues to rise rapidly
Retirement age in Finland has risen rapidly this decade. The expected effective retirement age in 2024 was 63.1 years. The target set for 2025 has already been reached and passed by more than half a year.
Employees’ earnings rose by more than 4 per cent in 2023
Employees’ median monthly earnings were 3,105 euros in 2023. Men’s median monthly earnings were over 3,400 euros and women’s over 2,800 euros.
More and more Finns are choosing to work in Spain
In 2024, the Finnish Centre for Pensions granted 22,500 certificates on coverage by Finnish social security for work abroad. The number of applications for A1 certificates to Spain increased. The popularity of remote working abroad is one of the reasons for this growth.
The employment rate of 63-year-olds has nearly doubled
Raising the retirement age has significantly delayed retirement. This has raised the employment rate of 63-year-olds to nearly 60 per cent.
Working lives have extended slightly more than life expectancy
The development of working lives seems moderate when examined with a new indicator from the Finnish Centre for Pensions based on the relationship between labour force participation and life expectancy.
Highest effective retirement age in Sweden - Finland among the top three
Sweden, Finland and Denmark stand out with the highest effective retirement ages in a comparison of the Nordic countries and Estonia. Although Finns have postponed retirement markedly in the 2010s, they still exit the labour market at the youngest age.
Discover Key Figures & Trends in Pensions
Explore the Key Figures webpage with the latest pension statistics presented in informative graphs and tables.
Statistical Database
Our statistical database offers time series of the statistics we produce here at the Finnish Centre for Pensions.
Earnings-related Pension System in Graphs and Figures
The slideshow includes key information of the Finnish earnings-related pension system. The Power Point slideshow may be downloaded free of charge.
Statistical publications
The Statistics series of the Finnish Centre for Pensions includes statistics of various pension areas. As a rule, the statistics are based on the registers of the earnings-related pension system.