Pocket Statistics – key pension figures in a nutshell
Pocket Statistics, published by the Finnish Centre for Pensions, includes central statistical data, time series and info-graphics on pensions. The most recent figures date back to year-end 2018.
Pocket Statistics, published by the Finnish Centre for Pensions, includes central statistical data, time series and info-graphics on pensions. The most recent figures date back to year-end 2018.
The population is ageing in all EU countries. What kind of pensions can you expect to get in Europe? Are the schemes sustainable, both financially and socially? What is the European response to the related challenges?
In our seminar in June, we will take a closer look at the effects of pension reforms. What carrots and sticks have deferred retirement in Finland and the United Kingdom? Which solutions have proved inefficient? The speakers include, among others, Ricky Kanabar (University of Bath).
207 000 self-employed persons were insured under the Self-employed Persons’ Pensions Act in 2018. Every fourth of them set their confirmed income, which forms the basis of their future pension and other social insurance, at or near the minimum requirement. Of the newly self-employed, two out of five underinsured themselves, statistics of the Finnish Centre …
The generous German pension reforms have raised extensive discussions about the sustainability of the country’s pension system. Researcher Dina Frommert from Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund explains the content of the recent reforms and the results of the life cycle research at our research seminar on 23 May.
As of the end of March, Estonia has granted only online A1 certificates for workers posted from Estonia to other EU countries. These certificates are different from the previous ones in that they lack the signature and stamp of the granting institution.
Shortages in earnings-related pension insurance exist in all fields. Yet the construction field shows more insurance irregularities than other fields. This is evident from the customer classification made by the Grey Economy Information Unit of the Tax Administration.
The updated pension calculator takes into account the general growth in earnings in Finland, that is, the change in the average earnings of wage earners. Taking into account the growth in earnings makes the result more realistic. The pension calculator is available at Työeläke.fi, a website for the general public.
As of April, the conditions for getting Kela benefits will change for persons coming to work in Finland or going abroad from Finland to work in another country. The change in law also affects posted employees and self-employed persons who go abroad to work in a third country.
Our updated booklets help you understand social insurance and earnings-related pensions in Finland and instructs you on how to apply for your earnings-related pension.
Finnish Centre for Pensions – Central body of and expert on statutory earnings-related pensions