Contact Information, insuring work abroad
Please contact us if you have any questions about insuring work abroad. Our phone service is available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
+358 29 411 2110 Messages
With Messages you can communicate with us electronically in a secure way.
A private customer can use Messages to send us messages and attachments that relate to your own case. We can reply to your messages via the service. Note that, if you are a private customer, we cannot send you confidential information by e-mail.
Activate Messages by logging into and authorising authorities to communicate with you electronically via Messages.
Read more:
NB! Do not send confidential personal data such as wage statements or health data by e-mail. Instead of your personal ID number it is enough to state your date of birth.
The certificate attests that you are covered by Finnish social security while working abroad. Apply for the certificate via our eServices. You can also apply for an extension (for example, if your posting is extended) online. The service is available in Finnish, Swedish and English.
Check the status of your application for an A1 certificate from our eServices. You can send us secure messages via Messages.
Finnish Centre for Pensions
International Services/Insurance matters during employment abroad
FI-00065 Eläketurvakeskus, Finland
If you are having technical problems when applying for an A1 certificate via our eServices, please contact our help desk:
- e-mail: tukietk(at)
- telephone: +358 29 411 2850
We would like your feedback to improve our website and our customer services.