Working abroad

When working abroad, social security is generally organized in the country where the work is carried out. But employees, self-employed persons or grant recipients who go abroad from Finland temporarily can, under certain conditions, remain covered by Finnish social security while they work abroad. Those working in the EU or social security agreement countries can apply for a certificate of coverage under Finnish social security from the Finnish Centre for Pensions. The certificate issued for work in EU countries is called the A1 certificate.  

See the instructions for applying for an A1 certificate

Apply for an A1 certificate as soon you know about the upcoming work abroad. The easiest way to apply for an A1 certificate is via our eServices. As a rule, the employer will apply for the A1 certificate for their employee. Self-employed persons and grant recipients apply for the certificate themselves.

Instructions for applying for an A1 certificate

Arranging and paying for social security in Finland

When an employee has an A1 certificate issued by the Finnish Centre for Pensions, the employer arranges and pays the employee’s social insurance in Finland. See what statutory social insurance contributions are and learn about the employer’s obligations.

Determine social insurance contributions

When is work insured in Finland, when abroad?

Read more about under what conditions work abroad can remain covered by Finnish social security.

When is work insured in Finland, when abroad?

Planning remote work abroad?

Under certain conditions, a remote worker can be covered by Finnish social security during the period of working abroad. This requires an A1 certificate issued by the Finnish Centre for Pensions.

Instructions for insuring remote work abroad

Finnish Centre for Pensions – Central body of and expert on statutory earnings-related pensions