
30.6.2020 Liisa-Maria Palomäki

How does the quality of life of older Finnish citizens compare to that of older citizens in Europe?

Older people in Finland are forced to give up on things they want to do because of shortage of money and family responsibilities slightly more often than their Swedish and Danish counterparts. Nevertheless, such problems are considerably less common in the Nordic countries than in Eastern and Southern European countries. Things are left undone more often due to shortage of money than family responsibilities.

28.5.2020 Arie Riekhoff

Low-skilled older workers and early exit from the labour market: It’s not just who you are and where you work, but also whom you work with

In Finland, like in most other advanced industrialised countries, low-skilled older workers are at a higher risk of early exit from the labour market than their higher-educated peers. To extend these workers’ working lives, relying on their own responsibility or implementing more government policies alone will not be enough: the help of employers is needed.

13.11.2019 Anu Polvinen

Working old-age pensioners are satisfied with their life

Post-retirement work has become more common in Finland and in other countries in recent years. Older people who continue working after retirement have been found to be happier and healthier than those who are not working. This blog clarifies the association between post-retirement work and life satisfaction in Finland. The results are based on a postal survey conducted by the Finnish Centre for Pension in the autumn of 2017.

Finnish Centre for Pensions – Central body of and expert on statutory earnings-related pensions