
12.4.2022 Arie Riekhoff

Four labour market transformations for pension policy stakeholders to keep an eye on

Working life is constantly changing. This has consequences for pensions as well. In Finland, the good news is that employment rates have been rising, careers have been relatively stable and various non-standard forms of employment are covered by the pension system. The challenge is to anticipate developments in the labour market that affect the economic and social sustainability of the pension system in the longer run.

1.9.2021 Arie Riekhoff

Why retire? Because we can

While there is rich research on Finnish retirement, relatively little is known about personal motivations behind retirement decisions. In latest round of the Survey on Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) Finnish pensioners were asked a simple question: Why did you retire? More than 80 per cent indicated that they retired because they became eligible for a pension. Compared to other European pensioners, the influence of poor health on retirement decisions in Finland raises concern.

26.2.2021 Arie Riekhoff

Destabilised careers, poorer pensions?

Globalisation, deindustrialisation, automation, digitalisation and liberalisation are often believed to make working life more fragmented and unstable. We investigated such claims in the recently completed project “Fragmented work careers?” (“Pirstoutuvatko työurat?”), led by researchers of Tampere University. Overall, we found no definitive trends towards fragmentation and destabilisation in Finland. However, we identified persisting labour market inequalities between genders and socioeconomic groups. These findings have important implications for pensions as well.

17.12.2020 Arie Riekhoff

Mind the gap! Educational differences in average effective ages of retirement

The Finnish Centre for Pensions recently reported that Finns continue to retire at a later age. In line with the rising eligibility age for the old-age pension, the average retirement age went up three months in 2019 compared to 2018. This can be seen as a successful outcome of a series of reforms in the Finnish pension system and labour market and is good news in many ways. However, figures of rising retirement ages tend to hide socioeconomic inequalities in extending working lives.

26.10.2020 Vidlund Mika

Forewarned is forearmed – automatic stabilizing mechanisms in pension financing in five countries

Our pension system is currently sailing through deep waters. The seas are likely to get rougher in the future. Reduced fertility rates and lower interest rates form dark clouds on the sky over our pension system. The most recent gust of icy winds is the corona pandemic, which has only added to the challenges pension financing faces. Yet it is possible to navigate through the rough seas – partly on automatic pilot.

Finnish Centre for Pensions – Central body of and expert on statutory earnings-related pensions