
8.11.2024 Väänänen Niko

Pension reform recommendations in the EU socioeconomic governance

Demographic ageing has sparked the European Commission to recommend countries to introduce pension reforms. In our article ‘Financial sustainability above all else?’, we analyse the recommendations given in the framework of EU socioeconomic governance between 2011 to 2023. How well do these recommendations match the objectives set by the Social Protection Committee in the Open Method of Coordination (OMC)?

21.10.2024 Väänänen Niko

Surplus of Finnish Pension Institutions and the Commission’s Debt Calculation – What Happened?

The financing of Finland’s statutory pensions is unique because part of the pension contribution is funded. In the national accounts, the surplus of Finland’s pension institutions is considered in the financial balance of public entities. The surplus of pension institutions reduces the deficit of public entities. The European Commission recently changed its long-term debt calculations, and the surplus of pension institutions is no longer assumed to reduce public indebtedness. What is this all about?

Finnish Centre for Pensions – Central body of and expert on statutory earnings-related pensions