Scientific articles
Most of the research of the Finnish Centre for Pensions is published in scientific journals and edited collections. When possible, parallel publications of studies published outside the Finnish Centre for Pensions’ own publication series are published in Julkari. Under the open access principle, the works published there are accessible to all.
The publishers of many journals place an embargo of 6–24 months for parallel publications. If the entire study cannot be published in Julkari, the referral information of the article will be published there.
Our most recent scientific articles are listed below. Articles from 2015 onward are listed in Julkari. For each article in the list there is a link to Julkari with more detailed information on the articles and, when possible, a parallel publication of the article and a link to the article itself (to the publisher’s website). If all of the authors of an article are from the Finnish Centre for Pensions, no affiliation is indicated.
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Most recent scientific articles
- Relationship between pension knowledge, trust in the pension system, and sociodemographic factors
Sanna Tenhunen, Susan Kuivalainen
23.12.2024 | Journal of Financial Literacy and Wellbeing - Financial Sustainability Above All Else? : Drivers and Types of Pension Reform Recommendations in EU Socio-economic Governance
Jan Helmdag, Niko Väänänen (ETK)
30.10.2024 | Journal of Common Market Studies - Luottamus instituutioihin ja lakisääteinen eläketurva
Jyri Liukko, Liisa-Maria Palomäki
24.9.2024 | Janus - Eläkettä tutkinnon suorittamisesta : Rekisteripohjainen tarkastelu etuuden kohdentumisesta ja ennuste kustannuksista
Ilari Ilmakunnas (ETK), Inga Kokkoniemi, Sampo Lappo (ETK), Susan Kuivalainen (ETK)
13.9.2024 | Yhteiskuntapolitiikka - Rahaerimielisyydet suomalaisten vanhuuseläkeläisten parisuhteissa
Riku Wallin, Kati Ahonen (ETK), Ilari Ilmakunnas (ETK), Anniina Kaittila, Susan Kuivalainen (ETK)
13.9.2024 | Yhteiskuntapolitiikka - The Financial Burden of Pensions in Europe : A Cross-country Comparison
Anne Lavigne, Antti Mielonen (ETK), Niko Väänänen (ETK), Mika Vidlund (ETK)
7.8.2024 | Revue de l’OFCE - ‘Relabelling’ of individual early retirement pension in Finland: Application and behavioural responses using Finnish register data
Ricky Kanabar, Satu Nivalainen (ETK), Noora Järnefelt (ETK)
1.8.2024 | Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization - Municipality-level differences in disability retirement in Finland: the contribution of local social characteristics
Mikko Laaksonen (ETK), Riku Perhoniemi, Jenni Blomgren
20.6.2024 | Scandinavian Journal of Public Health - Association between age and subjective economic hardship across the income distribution in Europe
Ilari Ilmakunnas (ETK), Joonas Uotinen, Maria Vaalavuo
22.5.2024 | Social Indicators Research - Educational expansion as a driver of longer working lives? : regression decomposition analysis of changes in labour force participation at older ages in twenty-first century Europe
Aart-Jan Riekhoff, Kati Kuitto
15.5.2024 | Comparative Population Studies (CPoS) - The role of social transfers in reducing the poverty risk for larger families in the European Union
Ilari Ilmakunnas (ETK), Lauri Mäkinen, Aapo Hiilamo
28.4.2024 | International Journal of Social Welfare - Gender differences in old-age poverty in 14 EU countries : exploring the role of household structure
Kati Ahonen, Susan Kuivalainen
17.4.2024 | International Review of Economics - Sosiaaliset normit ohjaavat eläkkeelle jäämistä
Noora Järnefelt (ETK), Kati Kuitto (ETK), Tomi Kyyrä, Tuuli Paukkeri, Terhi Ravaska, Aart-Jan Riekhoff (ETK)
18.3.2024 | Policy Brief – SustAgeable - Eurooppalaiset eläkejärjestelmät tarkkailussa
Niko Väänänen (ETK), Jan Helmdag
8.3.2024 | Talous & yhteiskunta - What it means to be poor: dimensions of economic hardship among older people living in poverty across Europe
Liisa-Maria Palomäki, Aart-Jan Riekhoff, Kati Kuitto
28.2.2024 | Ageing & Society - Patterns of work and retirement in a pension system with a flexible old-age retirement age: a register study of Finnish employees and self-employed persons born in 1949
Anu Polvinen, Aart-Jan Riekhoff, Satu Nivalainen, Susan Kuivalainen
8.1.2024 | Work, Aging and Retirement - Tulojen muuttuminen eläkkeelle siirryttäessä
Juha Rantala (ETK), Marjo Pyy-Martikainen, Marja Riihelä
21.12.2023 | Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja - Työeläkejärjestelmä : kolmikannan viimeinen linnake?
Niko Väänänen
14.12.2023 | Yhteiskuntapolitiikka - Labour shortages and employer preferences in retaining and recruiting older workers
Aart-Jan Riekhoff, Noora Järnefelt, Mikko Laaksonen, Jyri Liukko
29.11.2023 | International Journal of Manpower - Are ageing Nordic welfare states sustainable? An analysis of pension and care policies in Finland and Sweden
Niko Väänänen
27.11.2023 | Ubezpieczenia Spoleczne. Teoria i praktyka - Sairauspäivärahakausien tarkistuspisteet : Kuntoutuksen ja työhön paluun toteutuminen
Jenni Blomgren, Mikko Laaksonen (ETK), Riku Perhoniemi, Hanna Rinne
5.10.2023 | Valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminnan julkaisusarja - Impact of a Finnish reform adding new sickness absence checkpoints on rehabilitation and labor market outcomes: an interrupted time series analysis
Mikko Laaksonen (ETK), Jenni Blomgren, Hanna Rinne, Riku Perhoniemi
1.10.2023 | Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health - Pension financialization and collective risk sharing in Canada and Finland
Jyri Liukko (ETK), Aaron Doyle, Turo-Kimmo Lehtonen
21.9.2023 | International social security review - Mistä työkyvyttömyyseläkkeellä olevien määrän väheneminen johtuu?
Mikko Laaksonen, Juha Rantala
15.9.2023 | Yhteiskuntapolitiikka - Suomalaisten vanhuuseläkeläisten varallisuus ja taloudellinen tyytyväisyys
Kati Ahonen
15.9.2023 | Yhteiskuntapolitiikka - Työkyvyttömyyseläkkeiden kustannus
Sampo Lappo, Ismo Risku
4.6.2023 | Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja - Employers’ Retirement Age Norms in European Comparison
Aart-Jan Riekhoff
13.5.2023 | Work, Aging and Retirement - Trajectories in physical functioning by occupational class among retiring women: the significance of type of retirement and social and health-related factors
Tea Lallukka, Eero Lahelma, Olli Pietiläinen, Susan Kuivalainen (ETK), Mikko Laaksonen (ETK), Ossi Rahkonen, Jouni Lahti
10.5.2023 | Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health - Reconciling welfare policy and sustainability transition : A case study of the Finnish welfare state
Paula Saikkonen, Ilari Ilmakunnas (ETK)
23.4.2023 | Environmental Policy and Governance - Retirement Intentions and Increase in Statutory Retirement Age: 2017 Pension Reform and Intended Retirement Age in Finland
Satu Nivalainen
1.4.2023 | Journal of Aging & Social Policy - Introduction to Youth Employment Insecurity and Pension Adequacy
Kati Kuitto (ETK) and Dirk Hofäcker
10.3.2023 | In Youth Employment Insecurity and Pension Adequacy - Youth and pensions in a European comparison – How pension systems consider early adulthood and life course uncertainties
Susan Kuivalainen, Niko Väänänen and Antti Mielonen
10.3.2023 | In Youth Employment Insecurity and Pension Adequacy - Employment in youth and pension accumulation in Finland : How recent pension reforms account for early career employment
Ilari Ilmakunnas and Kati Kuitto
10.3.2023 | In Youth Employment Insecurity and Pension Adequacy - Contribution of age, gender and occupational group to the higher risk of disability retirement among Finnish public sector employees
Anu Polvinen and Mikko Laaksonen
27.2.2023 | Scandinavian Journal of Public Health - Educational inequalities in employment of Finns aged 60–68 in 2006–2018
Anu Polvinen, Aart-Jan Riekhoff, Satu Nivalainen and Susan Kuivalainen
17.10.2022 | PLoS ONE - Changes in healthy and unhealthy working life expectancies among older working-age people in Finland, 2000–2017
Mikko Laaksonen, Marko Elovainio, Sakari Kainulainen, Taina Leinonen, Tuija Jääskeläinen, Harri Rissanen and Seppo Koskinen
7.10.2022 | European Journal of Public Health - Size or Content of the Pie? : Source of Income and Perceived Income Adequacy of Older Europeans
Liisa-Maria Palomäki, Kati Kuitto, Susan Kuivalainen and Aart-Jan Riekhoff
18.9.2022 | Journal of aging & social policy - Is there a welfare trap? : Duration dependence in social assistance recipiency among young Finns
Ilari Ilmakunnas
29.7.20223 - Justifying a financially and socially sustainable pension reform : a comparative study of Finland and France
Niko Väänänen and Jyri Liukko
27.6.2022 | International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy - Työssä jatkaminen ja sosiaaliturvaetuudet osasairauspäivärahan enimmäisajan jälkeen
Jenni Blomgren, Mikko Laaksonen (ETK) and Riku Perhoniemi
14.6.2022 | Työpoliittinen aikakauskirja - The impact of vocational rehabilitation on employment outcomes: A regression discontinuity approach
Mikko Laaksonen, Ilari Ilmakunnas and Samuli Tuominen
13.6.2022 | Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health - Osa-aikaeläke ja osittainen vanhuuseläke : Yleisyys, taustatekijät ja yhteys vanhuuseläkkeelle siirtymiseen
Ilari Ilmakunnas, Satu Nivalainen and Sanna Tenhunen
1.6.2022 | Yhteiskuntapolitiikka - Työskennelläkö vai ei? : Vanhuuseläkeläisten työssäkäynti ja kiinnostus eläkkeen rinnalla työskentelyyn
Anu Polvinen and Susan Kuivalainen
13.5.2022 | Yhteiskuntapolitiikka - Use of outpatient and inpatient health care services by occupation—a register study of employees in Oulu, Finland
Hanna Rinne, Mikko Laaksonen (ETK) and Jenni Blomgren
3.5.2022 | BMC Health Services Research - Ovatko työkyvyttömyyseläkeläisten eläkkeet pienentyneet?
Juha Rantala and Mikko Laaksonen
8.4.2022 | Yhteiskuntapolitiikka - Finland: Pension reforms in Finland
Susan Kuivalainen and Kati Kuitto
In The Evolution of Supplementary Pensions: 25 Years of Pension Reform - Good or bad (in)stability? : A cross-cohort study of the relation between career stability and earnings mobility in Finland
Aart-Jan Riekhoff
10.1.2022 | Research in Social Stratification and Mobility - Partition of the Life Course: An Extended Dynamic Microsimulation Analysis
Janne Salonen, Heikki Tikanmäki (ETK) and Sampo Lappo (ETK)
31.12.2021 - Työeläkekuntoutuksen vaikuttavuuden kehittäminen ja työkykyajattelu : työeläkelaitosten asiantuntijoiden haastatteluihin perustuva tutkimus
Jyri Liukko
17.12.2021 | Kuntoutus - Gender inequalities in family leaves, employment and pensions in Finland
Kati Kuitto and Susan Kuivalainen
13.12.2021 | In Challenges to the Welfare State : Family and Pension Policies in the Baltic and Nordic Countries - Eläkkeelle siirtymisen kannustimien muutos vuoden 2017 eläkeuudistuksen seurauksena 1950-luvun alussa syntyneillä
Heikki Tikanmäki
13.12.2021 | Kansantaloudellinen aikakauskirja - The digital transition of social security in Finland : Frontrunner experiencing headwinds?
Niko Väänänen
19.11.2021 | Ubezpieczenia Spoleczne. Teoria i praktyka - Työkyvyttömyyden kehitys ja eläkkeiden rahoitus
Jaakko Kiander, Susan Kuivalainen, Mikko Laaksonen and Kaarlo Reipas
11.9.2021 | Akava Works - Mielenterveyssyistä alkavat eläkkeet ovat yleistyneet nuorilla mutta vähentyneet vanhemmissa ikäryhmissä
Mikko Laaksonen (ETK), Jenni Blomgren and Riku Perhoniemi
10.9.2021 | Lääkärilehti - Body weight and premature retirement : population-based evidence from Finland
Jutta Viinikainen, Santtu Tikka, Mikko Laaksonen (ETK), Tuija Jääskeläinen, Petri Böckerman, Juha Karvanen
19.7.2021 | European Journal of Public Health - Public Pension Generosity and Old-Age Poverty in OECD countries
Kati Kuitto (ETK), Joan E. Madia and Federico Podestà
7.7.2021 | Journal of Social Policy - Incentives, Health, and Retirement: Evidence from a Finnish Pension Reform
Joonas Ollonqvist, Kaisa Kotakorpi, Mikko Laaksonen, Pekka Martikainen, Jukka Pirttilä and Lasse Tarkiainen
5.7.2021 | VATT Working Papers - Selvitys kuntoutustukea saaneista. Aiempi tutkimus ja rekisteriseuranta vuonna 2015 kuntoutustuen aloittaneista
Karoliina Koskenvuo, Mikko Laaksonen (ETK), Jenni Blomgren, Reeta Pösö, Riitta Seppänen-Järvelä, Ella Näsi
18.6.2021 | Kela Työpapereita - Changes in Unemployment Affect Sickness Absence and Disability Retirement Rates: A Municipality-Level Panel Study
Jenni Blomgren, Mikko Laaksonen (ETK) and Riku Perhoniemi
11.6.2021 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Saksan eläkekomitean ”kestävä sukupolvisopimus” ei katso kovin pitkälle
Niko Väänänen (ETK), Wolfgang Schulz-Weidner
9.6.2021 | Yhteiskuntapolitiikka - Early Pension Claiming and Expected Longevity: A Register-Based Study on the Take-up of the Partial Old-Age Pension in Finland
Satu Nivalainen
3.6.2021 | Work, Aging and Retirement - Determinants of transition from partial to full disability pension: a register study from Finland
Anu Polvinen and Mikko Laaksonen
31.5.2021 | Scandinavian Journal of Public Health - Work Resumption after a Fixed-Term Disability Pension: Changes over Time during a Period of Decreasing Incidence of Disability Retirement
Mikko Laaksonen
27.4.2021 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - Inequalities in pensions and retirement from a life course perspective: An introduction
Kati Kuitto (ETK), Susan Kuivalainen (ETK) and Katja Möhring
7.4.2021 | Social Policy & Administration - Health shocks and couples’ labor market participation: A turning point or stuck in the trajectory?
Aart-Jan Riekhoff (ETK) and Maria Vaalavuo
22.3.2021 | Social Science & Medicine - Työkyvyttömyyseläkkeelle siirtymisen erot kunta-alan ja yksityisen sektorin palkansaajilla
Anu Polvinen
19.3.2021 | Kuntoutus - The financial situation across the life course
Kati Kuitto, Aart-Jan Riekhoff and Liisa-Maria Palomäki
16.3.2021 | In Life-histories in Finland: First results from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement - Extending working lives: How policies shape retirement and labour market participation of older workers
Kati Kuitto (ETK) and Jan Helmdag
4.3.2021 | Social Science & Medicine - Career stability in turbulent times: A cross-cohort study of mid-careers in Finland
Aart-Jan Riekhoff (ETK), Satu Ojala and Pasi Pyöriä
18.1.2021 | Acta Sociologica - Information and legitimacy : results from an experimental survey on attitudes to the 2017 pension reform in Finland
Olli Kangas, Ilpo Airio, Karoliina Koskenvuo, Susan Kuivalainen (ETK) ja Sanna Tenhunen (ETK)
14.1.2021 | Journal of Pension Economics & Finance - Increasing labor force participation in older age requires investments in work ability
Mikko Laaksonen
5.1.2021 | Scandinavian journal of work environment and health - Tulot, menot ja sote-palveluiden asiakasmaksut: millainen on ikääntyneen toimeentulo?
Leena Forma and Susan Kuivalainen (ETK)
18.12.2020 | Gerontologia - Carrots, sticks and old-age retirement : A review of the literature on the effects of the 2005 and 2017 pension reforms in Finland – an extended version
Satu Nivalainen, Sanna Tenhunen and Noora Järnefelt
17.12.2020 | Nordisk Välfärdsforskning - Pension reforms, the generational welfare contract and preferences for pro‐old welfare policies in Europe
Aart-Jan Riekhoff
14.12.2020 | Social Policy & Administration
News - Career Stability in 14 Finnish Industrial Employee Cohorts in 1988-2015
Satu Ojala, Pasi Pyöriä and Aart-Jan Riekhoff (ETK)
3.12.2020 | Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies - Using sequence analysis to visualize and validate model transitions
Janne Salonen (ETK), Jyrki Möttönen, Heikki Tikanmäki (ETK), Tapio Nummi
31.8.2020 | International Journal of Microsimulation - From plans to action? Retirement thoughts, intentions and actual retirement: an eight-year follow-up in Finland
Satu Nivalainen
10.7.2020 | Ageing & Society - Substitution and spill-overs between early exit pathways in times of extending working lives in Europe
Aart-Jan Riekhoff, Kati Kuitto and Liisa-Maria Palomäki
26.5.2020 | International Social Security Review - Consumption of psychotropic drugs among disability pension applicants with mental disorders: comparing awarded and rejected applicants in Finland
Riku Perhoniemi, Annamari Tuulio-Henriksson, Jenni Blomgren and Mikko Laaksonen (ETK)
14.3.2020 | Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology - The level and development of unemployment before disability retirement : a retrospective study of Finnish disability retirees and their controls
Mikko Laaksonen (ETK) and Jenni Blomberg
8.3.2020 | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- Explanations for economic difficulties among old-age pensioners previously on disability pension
Anu Polvinen, Mikko Laaksonen, Juha Rantala, Liisa-Maria Palomäki and Susan Kuivalainen
31.12.2019 | European Journal of Public Health - Individual- and company-level predictors of receiving vocational rehabilitation: a multilevel study of Finnish private sector workplaces
Mikko Laaksonen, Jyri Liukko, Jarno Varis, Meeri Kesälä, Susan Kuivalainen, Anu Polvinen and Juha Rantala
18.12.2019 | Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation - Workforce composition and the risk of labor market exit among older workers in Finnish companies
Aart-Jan Riekhoff, Noora Järnefelt and Mikko Laaksonen
01.12.2019 | Work, Aging and Retirement - Gender Inequalities in Early Career Trajectories and Parental Leaves: Evidence from a Nordic Welfare State
Kati Kuitto (ETK), Janne Salonen (ETK) and Jan Helmdag
1.9.2019 | Social Sciences – Open Access Journal - Psychotropic medication before and after disability retirement by pre-retirement perceived work-related stress
Many authors; Mikko Laaksonen from ETK
20.7.2019 | European Journal of Public Health - The Effect of Relabeling and Incentives on Retirement : Evidence from the Finnish Pension Reform in 2005
Jon Gruber, Ohto Kanninen, Satu Nivalainen (ETK), Terhi Ravaska, Roope Uusitalo
6.6.2019 | Working Papers, Labour Institute for Economic Research - The 24/7 economy and work during unsocial hours in Europe: Examining the influence of labor market dualization, regulation and collective bargaining
Aart-Jan Riekhoff (ETK), Oxana Krutova, Jouko Nätti
13.5.2019 | Economic and Industrial Democracy - Sources of income following a rejected disability pension application : a sequence analysis study
Riku Perhoniemi, Jenni Blomberg, Mikko Laaksonen (ETK)
12.05.2019 | Disability and rehabilitation - Determinants of disability pension applications and awarded disability pensions in Finland, 2009 and 2014
Riku Perhoniemi, Jenni Blomgren and Mikko Laaksonen (ETK)
2.5.2019 | Scandinavian Journal of Public Health - Company-level determinants of disability retirement : a multilevel study of Finnish private sector workplaces
Mikko Laaksonen, Juha Rantala,Jyri Liukko, Anu Polvinen, Jarno Varis, Meeri Kesälä and Susan Kuivalainen
23.4.2019 | European Journal of Public Health - Do individual and work-related factors differentiate work participation trajectories before and after vocational rehabilitation?
Taina Leinonen, Svetlana Solovieva, Kirsti Husgafvel-Pursiainen, Mikko Laaksonen (ETK) and Eira Viikari-Juntura
21.2.2019 | Plos One - The effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation on work participation : a propensity score matched analysis using nationwide register data
Taina Leinonen, Eira Viikari-Juntura, Kirsti Husgafvel-Pursiainen, Pirjo Juvonen-Posti, Mikko Laaksonen (ETK) and Svetlana Solovieva
2019 | Scandinavian journal of work environment and health - Using trajectory analysis to test and illustrate microsimulation outcomes
Janne Salonen, Heikki Tikanmäki and Tapio Nummi
2019 | International Journal of Microsimulation