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Summer and festival season is just around the corner, and if you are hitting the road for a European tour, there are a few important things to keep in mind. One crucial item on your checklist should be the A1 certificate, especially if you're a freelancer.

As a musician traveling abroad for work, it is important to know which country’s social insurance you are covered by. This is where the A1 certificate comes into play.

Having the right documents can make all the difference. Many international event organizers need an A1 certificate from performers before they can pay them, so this document is very important.

What is an A1 certificate?

The A1 certificate shows which country’s social insurance someone who works in more than one country is covered by. It also shows where the contributions for social insurance, such as for pension insurance, need to be paid. Many European countries have penalties for employers who do not get A1 certificates or handle statutory social insurance contributions properly.

Note that the A1 certificate is not a work permit. It does not define what role you work in. It simply indicates the country responsible for your social security.

Why is the A1 certificate important?

If you work an EU or EEA country, Switzerland or the UK, you are usually covered by the social insurance in the country where you work. But if you are temporarily working in another EU country for a Finnish employer or you are self-employed and usually work in Finland, you can still be covered by Finnish social insurance, as long as you meet certain conditions.

If you work in more than one EU country, you can only be covered by social insurance in one country. You must only pay social insurance contributions in the country that gave you the A1 certificate. If you work in more than one country, apply for the A1 certificate from the country where you live.

When should you apply for an A1 certificate?

If you go on several gig abroad, it’s a good idea to apply for an A1 certificate for the whole year. You can get an A1 certificate for up to two years if you meet the requirements. This is particularly useful if you perform mainly in Finland but also have summer festival gigs in, for example, Italy and France and at least one performance in Germany in the autumn.

To get an A1 certificate, you must be working as an employee, self-employed person or civil servant as defined by EU social security rules. In Finland, if you are a freelancer, you are usually either an employee or a self-employed person. If you are an employee, your work must be insured under the Employees Pensions Act (TyEL). If you are self-employed, your work must be insured under the Self-Employed Persons Pensions Act (YEL).

So, as you get ready for your summer gigs in Europe, make sure you have your A1 certificate ready. It’s a quick step that can save you a lot of problems and ensure smooth sailing on your tour!

Where can you get an A1 certificate?

In Finland, the A1 certificate is issued by the Finnish Centre for Pensions (Eläketurvakeskus), provided certain conditions are met. If you are an employee, your employer will apply for the A1 certificate. If you are self-employed or a freelancer who works for more than one employer, you must apply for the certificate yourself.


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Finnish Centre for Pensions – Central body of and expert on statutory earnings-related pensions